Monday, August 8, 2011

Home Study!!

We had our home study for Adoption today. It went well and much better than I thought it would.

Here's my story before the big day!! I talked a friend, Liz, a few months back that had adopted and she told me that it wasn't that bad and not to stress about it. Then I recently talked to Coleen, another friend, that told me that her mission companion adopted and that her home study was invasive. After talking to Coleen, I freaked out and went crazy with the cleaning. I pulled out all of my little piles around my house and threw what I didn't need. I cleaned my refrigerator out, making sure there were not dirty stains or expired food items. I cleaned, vacuumed and washed my couches. I washed down all of the walls. I started thinking like a child and moved, cleaned and cleared everything that seemed that I could get into. I washed all of my windows and dusted the blinds. I cleaned everything to the finest so when the white glove came out, there would be no dust, dirt, prints....we would pass everything with flying colors!! I felt like I went overload spring cleaning here. Then in the end, it wasn't that bad. I had to point a few things out and we did a walk through. There was no white glove, there was no checking my refrigerator to make sure it was cleaned out, no left overs. It was a simple walk in the Jenks' home and a creamie to top it off with. So the moral of the story is.... next time you don't feel like cleaning, trying having a home study that makes your scared out of your wits. Then YOU will clean everything!!

I will clean anything in my home, if it means I will have another child brought into my home. They deserve nothing less than the BEST from our home :)

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