Monday, September 12, 2011

New Shoes!!

Saturday night, Nephi took me to the Nike outlet store in Jordan Landing. Everyone keeps saying I should invest myself into some good running shoes. For the past two years or so, I have started running. I hated running in High School but these past few years, it was been a great way to relieve stress and work out. My past shoes have come from either Walmart or Payless. Not necessarily bad but after a while, they start to hurt my feet and just aren't very good shoes. So I was excited to get me a new pair. I decided I like the Nike shoes with a little bit of pink. Bentley just LOVES pink and I thought maybe she would be proud of me in pink. I got them Saturday night and couldn't wait for Monday morning, to get up early to try them out.

Come Monday morning, I woke up early. I was suppose to meet Angie around 6:40am to go walking. So I got up at 6am and thought I could get a couple of miles in before meeting up with her. As I took off with the wind in my hair, I was enjoying this new experience. As I started up hill about 5 blocks away from my house, I trip! I don't know what happened, I don't remember falling. I remember running and then kissing the cement. I hurried and got up. As I was getting up, I realized my left foot was hurting and BAD!! I took my shoe off and sat on the curb for a good 5 minutes. I realized that the pain wasn't going to stop. I knew I had to meet Angie at 6:40am and didn't have my phone with me. I got up and started hobbling home as quickly as I could. I even tried the one foot hop for a block. All I knew was I needed to get home and that my foot was in pain. Once home, I called Angie then woke up my husband. He got the bandage out and wrapped it for me. Can I tell you how much I wanted to cry? Not only for the pain but also because I didn't have time to be hurt. This week was one of my busiest weeks and I couldn't be laid up(I am very stubborn about being hurt!! Don't like it one bit!!).

I knew I had sprained my ankle and had decided to not go to the doctor. I elevated my foot and put ice on it. Right before Bentley was suppose to come home, Nephi suggested that I make a doctors appointment to have it checked out to make sure it wasn't broken. I sure didn't want to go, but thought if my husband thought I should go, then I should go. I tried to convince my husband to take me to my afternoon appointment but he wanted to go to work. So Nephi told Tierstyn's(Bentley's friend at school) mom that I needed a ride. Then he told the neighbor friend too! He was kind enough to ask for some help with me. I was upset at first that he didn't want to take me, but then I soon realized that he did care about me and found me a way. I have to say, I have the BEST people around me. Kara, my neighbor, took me to my doctors appointment and even offered to stay with me and cancel her piano lessons. I told her no, just a ride there would be helpful. Then Tara, Tierstyn's mom, picked me up from my appointment. Tara is one busy mom with 7 girls, so I am grateful she took time to help me out. I have the BEST people around me :)

I have to admit one thing. If I ever get hurt, I will try and see my doctor before going to the ER. I thought my appointment might be an hour but it only took a half hour. That was seeing the doctor, having my foot x-rayed and back to the doctor. I love my Doctors office! The wait was minimal and I was on my way! Doctors office are A LOT better than ERs.

So now, here I sit. Bitterly. I decided that I am going to take this time and be lazy. Hurt foot means getting nothing done. Which, I know can't last too long but I am a bit upset at myself. I think my shoes are still pretty but now they get to sit and wait for me. I hope that you have a better day then I do. Watch out for those new shoes!!

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